Who Are The Trump’s Six Co-Conspirators in the Election Drama?

On August 2, 2023, former President Donald Trump was indicted in federal court for allegedly making “knowingly false” claims of voter fraud and inciting the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. While Trump is the main defendant in the case, the 45-page indictment references six unnamed “co-conspirators” who are also under investigation for their roles in Trump’s alleged scheme. In this article, we will delve into these individuals’ identities and likely actions based on the available information.

Who are the six co-conspirators in Trump’s latest indictment on election interference?

Co-Conspirator 1: Rudy Giulianiย 

One of the most prominent figures in Trump’s inner circle, Rudy Giuliani, is believed to be the first co-conspirator. As Trump’s former attorney and mayor of New York City, Giuliani was pivotal in spreading false election fraud claims. According to the indictment, he pursued strategies even Trump’s campaign attorneys hesitated to endorse. Giuliani’s actions were part of a systematic plan to overturn the election results and keep Trump in power.

Co-Conspirator 1: Rudy Giulianiย 

Co-Conspirator 2: John Eastman

Attorney John Eastman is credited with devising the legal scheme that laid the groundwork for Trump’s attempt to overturn the election results. Eastman’s two-page memo outlined a six-step plan that suggested then-Vice President Mike Pence could reject the election results in certain swing states. Despite Pence’s refusal to endorse the plan, Eastman’s actions are listed in the indictment as those of “co-conspirator 2.”

Co-Conspirator 2: John Eastman

Co-Conspirator 3: Sidney Powell

ย Sidney Powell, a lawyer brought onto Trump’s legal team, is the third co-conspirator mentioned in the indictment. According to Nypost, She famously made unfounded claims of voter fraud, particularly involving Dominion Voting Systems machines and Smartmatic software. While Trump privately acknowledged that Powell’s claims were baseless, he still publicly amplified them, furthering the disinformation campaign.

Co-Conspirator 3: Sidney Powell

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Co-Conspirator 4: Jeffrey Clarkย 

Jeffrey Clark, a mid-level Justice Department official, is linked to a letter falsely claiming that the DOJ had identified significant concerns about the election results in certain states. The letter was meant to support Trump’s “fake electors” scheme, proposing that alternate slates of electors loyal to Trump be sent to Congress for consideration on January 6. Clark’s actions are outlined as “co-conspirator 4” in the indictment.

Co-Conspirator 4: Jeffrey Clarkย 

Co-Conspirator 5: Ken Chesebro

ย Ken Chesebro, a Trump attorney, was the first to suggest forming groups of electors in critical states won by Biden who would support Trump. He later collaborated with Eastman and Giuliani to coordinate the submission of fraudulent slates of presidential electors during the certification proceeding. Chesebro’s involvement is listed as that of “co-conspirator 5.”

Co-Conspirator 5: Ken Chesebro

Co-Conspirator 6: Michael Roman or Boris Epshteyn?ย 

The identity of the sixth co-conspirator remains unclear, but it is likely one of two individuals: Michael Roman or Boris Epshteyn. Michael Roman, who served as the Trump re-election campaign’s director of Election Day operations, worked to put forward the “fake electors” from swing states. However, he reportedly agreed with prosecutors, potentially avoiding prosecution in exchange for cooperation.

Boris Epshteyn, a former special assistant to Trump, also advised him during the 2020 election. He stood alongside Giuliani and Powell during the infamous press briefing where false claims about election fraud were made. Roman and Epshteyn’s actions align with the “co-conspirator 6” description in the indictment.


ย The 45-page indictment against Donald Trump sheds light on the alleged actions of six co-conspirators who played significant roles in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. As the investigation continues, the involvement and identities of these individuals will likely be subject to further scrutiny.ย 

The indictment marks a significant development in the pursuit of accountability for the January 6, 2021, events and the broader consequences of disinformation campaigns that undermine democratic processes.

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